Allgemein Egbert Schoenmaker

Capetown-Kommetjie Saturday, March 28 2015 at 7:30 PM: St. Norberts Priory: Organ Recital with Egbert Schoenmaker, Ootmarsum Netherlands

Robson-Organ 1996 Kommetjie

Robson-Organ 1996 Kommetjie

Egbert Schoenmaker gives an Organrecital on  Saturday, March 28 from 7:30 PM on the „Robson Organ“  in St. Norberts Priory, 1 Rubbi Road in Kommetjie 7976.

Free entry; Donations welcome
Wine and snacks after the concert
Tel: +27[0]21-7891165

Egbert Schoenmaker

Egbert Schoenmaker ©-Photo: Shane Murphy




He plays Organworks of  Abraham van den Kerkhoven, Tielman Susato, Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer and Georg Boehm.

St. Norberts Priory Kommetjie

St. Norberts Priory Kommetjie

Seeview, St. Norbert Kommetje

Seeview, St. Norbert Kommetjie

St. Norbert

St. Norbert, Kommetjie

Selway Robson From Engineer to Instrument Maker

Selway Robson

Selway Robson in Noordhoek

As an accomplished performer, the wish to make his own instruments led Selway Robson to suspend his initial career as an electronics engineer. He had graduated from Southhampton University with an honours degree, having first obtained a mechanical engineering diploma with distinction, at the Bristol Aeroplane Technical College.
To date he has completed over forty handmade instruments of the harpsichord family, as well as a dozen pipe organs.
These have gone to satisfied customers worldwide, including the UK, Europe, Australia and Japan, as well as throughout Southern Africa.

Organ in Kommetjie Dispositie

Praestant 8′
Roerfluit 8′
Octaaf 4′
Mixtuur IV-V- 2′
Trompet 8′
Gedekt 8′
Woudfluit 4′
Principaal 2′
Cymbel II
Sesquialter I-II
Regaal 8′
Subbass 16′
Gemshoorn 8′
Dulciaan 16′
Schalmei 4′

Temperment: modified meantone

Borsttwerk Robson Organ Kommetjie

Borstwerk Robson Organ in Kommetjie

Kommetie Robson Organ Borstwerk

Robson Organ Borstwerk Trackeraction

Selway Robson at Kommetjie

Selway Robson at Kommetjie

Egbert Schoenmaker 3

Egbert Schoenmaker Photo©-Shane Murphy

Egbert Schoenmaker studied the organ at the conservatories of Utrecht (Nico van den Hooven), Arnhem (Bert Matter) and Amsterdam. After gaining his soloist’s diploma with Piet Kee in Amsterdam he studied the harpsichord with Anneke Uittenbosch. He is organist of the Epmann organ (1812) in the Simon & Judaskerk in Ootmarsum.
As Orgelrevisor on behalf of the Lutherse Landeskirche Hannover he is responsible for the diocese of Osnabrueck of the Lutheran church in Hannover, Nedersaksen. In this capacity he was chairman of the supervisory committee for restoration of the Christian Vater organ in Melle.
Egbert Schoenmaker has given many recitals in Germany and Holland and has toured USA and Canada,Danmark and Italy. Some 30 years ago he founded a series of recitals in the Dutch-German border region of Twente and Bentheim. Mainly featuring historic instruments, the series has attracted many organists of international reputation and makes an indispensable contribution to Dutch and German organ culture.


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